GinGin's Creative Writing: Daryl and Brent

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Daryl, a dirty blonde anthropomorphic mutt, sitting in the driver's seat of his run-down truck.

Daryl and Brent, a mutt and otter from the Appalachians, are hidden in broad daylight in their bigoted conservative community: everyone knows the pastor, everyone watches extreme "news" morning, noon and night, and everyone would mock and ostracise them without a second thought at any hint of difference; some may even draw their gun.

The stories here are small slices in time centring on Daryl and Brent coming to terms with sex, toxic masculinity, experience, self discovery and emotional baggage, all whilst trying to maintain what few friendships they've developed throughout their lives.

🔞 These stories and comics are for mature audiences and may contain foul language, sex, sexual themes, violence and references to substance abuse.

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Funny side pieces